i dont know why i wrote this while i was outside in my notes. i am still outside. i am writing this from the same phone
edit: for some reason i rewrote this for my website
it is a giant city. it is always a party.
everyone is at least a little social. we support each other.
there are many events. birthday of tom (pico day), pixel day, meetups, collaborations, contests, etc.
anybody can be on newgrounds.
unless ur a child. but we look forward to ur contribution when u can join.
newgrounds headquarters. tom is leader.
there are lots of tall buildings.
there are a lot of entertainment type buildings.
maybe there are also bars. and clubs.
oh god. disco about seal. CLUB SEAL
arcades and theaters and music shops.
i have no idea what would represent art maybe the city has a museum or some public space.
districts based on the kind of content? like cute and horror and fanwork and stuff
there are ruins of old ng. destroyed by darnell or penilian or something.
abandoned school. something happened there years ago.
somewhere outside the city there is the military zone the tankmen war in.
there are multiple interpretations of the same character that coexist or something.
everyone has technology.
sometimes there are criminals. they are usually dealt with very quickly.
there are good robots like the ng bots and robot character and there are bad robots like ai generator and spammer.
also this image was attached for some reason