"if you only get positive comments, that means youre only mid tier at best because you havent blown up enough to reach the haters" — ame

procrastinatig idiot @ddnikki

Age 15, i dont evn have pronouns




Joined on 1/15/22

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ddnikki's News

Posted by ddnikki - 2 hours ago

  • If there's a UFA cabinet in the Pico 2 arcade what if UFA is just the equivalent of Pico's School in universe, like someone saw a headline saying "local student shoots down giant alien to save his school" and was like "I should make a game about them"
  • I kinda still want to make a UTAU out of myself somehow if I can fIGURE OUT HOW TO DO THAT
  • I have 2 unfinished midi projects and idfk what to do with them
  • I still can't get the PH Newgrounds meetup idea out of my head


Posted by ddnikki - 23 hours ago

I had a dream where a person in a pikachu fursuit (like, a plain yellow fursuit, bootleg pikachu mascot head) attacked my teacher live on zoom call

They were beating up my teacher (I'm pretty sure my teacher didn't survive) so me and my classmates went through our computer screens to where the teachers were and we held a meeting on how to deal with the pikachu person

Then it suddenly appeared and crashed through the window and was flying w/ a cape feather for some reason then i got a cape feather and i grabbed the pikachu person and freaking smashed them into the ground pretty much looked like that one dragon ball scene

It made a shockwave that freaking destroyed the skyscraper we were meeting in so like i went to catch the falling students but then freakin

I found out the person in the pikachu fursuit was cassandra the pico one of all people she somehow survived

The entire thing was revealed to be a movie on my computer at the end of the dream

...1 month later love conquers all was released


Posted by ddnikki - 1 day ago

I think i have art block I want to buy supproter again i think maybe i just need ideas to drawing because i am crap ENOUGH OF THIS CRAP IVE BEEN LISTENING TO GOTH MUSIC AL MY LIFE

Posted by ddnikki - 5 days ago

  • It has to last at least 2 days to account for color coding
  • It's gotta be at SMX (the mall of asia has an arcade w/ several rhythm games ddr and a chunithm and maimai and)
  • They can leave the venue and go to the mall right???
  • ...I'm literally 15

Posted by ddnikki - 6 days ago

can the newgrounds api check what medals you have because the idea was just a thing that unlocks only if you have like a specific medal in another game... like a game checking if you have save the day and giving you something for KILLING CASSANDRA OR SOMETHING


Posted by ddnikki - 13 days ago

the generator from my nightmares is now real thanks to perchance

also yes this was an actual sleeping nightmare and was a waking nightmare to make


one of the prompts i was given



Posted by ddnikki - 2 weeks ago

also kinda a leak for some crappy project

(i wish i understood stencyl despite growing up with scratch)




Posted by ddnikki - 2 weeks ago

every time i think of my gender i think of this shirt

(also for some reason i have art of nikki wearing it)



Posted by ddnikki - 2 weeks ago

I had a dream where newgrounds added a random idea generator and it would take 2 tropes from tv tropes a character from tom fulp (i think there were also some other notable ng characters) and it also added info on them and for some reason some fanmade notes on said character and i think a setting which was just a random image of a location or something

and i got a prompt that was entirely cassandra related (they were both cassandra tropes this was the first one the second one doesn't actually exist) and the character was just the penilians in general and one of the fanmade notes was "its ok if pico doesn't know abt them" or something like that

the second time i tried the generator it was actually random that time but involved a lot of green


Posted by ddnikki - 1 month ago

i had a dream about a really crappy pico rpg that was basically the fellowship of the things (that gumball flash game) that i kinda wanna make and maybe keep the rlly weird design decisions the dream had

  • you could optionally recruit Cassandra
  • there was an unskippable cutscene involving a doctor that was secretly a penilian and it also involved timezones and a light in the sky that "pierced into [Darnell's] soul"
  • the only reason you couldn't skip it was because it was the only place where you could heal Cass
  • apparently you needed Cassandra to fight a secret boss (i fought the "final boss" and thought of deltarune right as i was waking up "i proved i can do this with only 3 people. we absolutely do not need her we do not need her for the secret boss")
  • Nene had to wear glasses and she was a mage
